The wealth of online, dating, and other types of more casual and demeaning services to find love have left the grounded, more conservative and educated searching to find respectful family based services. Remarkable, bright, and accomplished people do not consider themselves amongst the throngs of singles, rather they are individuals with specific wants, needs and desires, including lifestyle preferences. Matchmakers or matchmaking services approach the individual as having unique worth and qualities that require personal assistance and support. Valenti International is perhaps the most highly regarded yet simultaneously invisible organization, standing alone in quality and professionalism; matchmaking is moved both forward and backwards in time, integrating qualities of heritage and family with the professionalism of licensed doctors to assist in the pairing of individuals. Modeled after an old European village paradigm, with a wise matriarch who knows all including familial expectation and culture, people are privately introduced to one another to fall in love. Irene Valenti, the founder and president offered this sobering statement:
“Sadly people sometimes forget their real worth and subject themselves to the humiliation of meeting a strangers, ultimately to be hurt. We try and capture the magic of romance, yet apply realism including assessment of character, culture, family, and lifestyle. Dreams of tall, dark, and handsome are balanced with the essential, for example a person’s readiness to make a commitment. Services always overlook the basic and instead promise fantasy, playing on people’s insecurities—this is terrible. Of all we try to do to fill a wish list, perhaps most importantly we attend to basic values and the core qualities of the person.”
The international organization is known as much as a powerful and unique consulting company as it is for romance, matchmaking, and confidentiality. Amongst those who know of Valenti International, it is held as the organization to the stars, celebrities, and world’s elite. In a volatile emotional business and practice which naturally involves intense feelings, and even when under attack, the organization consistently rises above the media to protect their client’s privacy and personal lives with integrity and moral and ethical responsibility—an impressive feat.
Dr. Jason N. Camu, Chief Psychologist, Valenti International